Fonte Grande

Natural Mineral Water

The natural mineral water Fonte Grande for its low contents in Sodium (Na) is especially indicated for low sodium diets

The accomplished analysis demonstrates a Physical - Chemistry composition trustable and stable, with some constant and similar values in its mineral contents, during all the stages of the year.

  1. It is worthy of taking into account the stable sodium contents of the natural mineral water Fonte Grande, that only contains 5,8 mg/l of Sodium (Na).
  2. Conferring this quantic content of 5,8 mg/l of sodium some features very superior and some healthier properties greater than any other of the waters that are currently marketed..
  3. Calls the attention that from the first taken analysis, their Physical-Chemical structure of its components expresses with continuity the same or very similar values.
  4. This stable mineral content is indicative of the excellent quality of the water of the aquifer.
  5. The parametres, values and results of his mineral composition manifests its constant and beneficial caracteristicas:
    1. The Water of the Fonte Grande aquifer is an ideal complement for regular diets, and facilitates the digestion,
    2. The water "Fonte Grande" helps to dissolve the fats, especially the ones of the milky family.
    3. Its usage is indicated and it is especially beneficial and advised for poor Diets in Sodium, the water from the aquifer Fonte Grande, is beneficial for people suffering the ailment of essential hypertension.
    4. Facilitates and helps the kidney to delete with extreme facility the organism waste substances.
    5. The Natural mineral water Fonte Grande is a water of very weak mineralization, giving this property and characteristics, great delicacy qualities, that are considerable an are very noticeable in the drinking palate by its flavor and its delicacy, being thus a very fine natural mineral water and brandish.

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Natural mineral water
Fonte Grande

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The natural mineral water Fonte Grande is indicated and is especially beneficial and advised for people that requires poor Diets in Sodium, and  is also beneficial for people suffering the ailment of essential hypertensionThe natural mineral water Fonte Grande facilitates and helps the kidney to delete with extreme facility the organism waste substances.     El Agua del acuífero del manantial Fonte Grande es un complemento ideal para regular y facilitar la digestión, en especial de los lácteos.Su utilización está indicada y es especialmente beneficiosa y aconsejada para Dietas pobres en Sodio, provechosa y recomendada para gente que padece hypertensión arterial, Facilita y ayuda al riñón a eliminar con mas facilidad las sustancias de desecho. El Agua Mineral Natural Fonte Grande es un agua de mineralización muy débil, confiriéndole esta propiedad y característica, unas cualidades de finura, que son apreciables en el paladar por su sabor y su finura, siendo por su baja mineralización un agua mineral natural muy fina y blanda         A súa utilización está indicada e é especialmente beneficiosa e aconsellada para aquelas Dietas que teñen restrinxido o seu contido en Sodio, e tamén é moi beneficiosa para aquelas persoas que teñen doenzas coronarias, ou que sofren de hypertensión.

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