Fonte Grande

Natural Mineral Water

Natural Minera Water Fonte Grande

From Fonte Grande we appreciate your visit to our space Internet and give you our sincere welcome to our site, and invite you to take a round trip to our Web to know the facts and characteristics about our Natural Mineral Water, and the opportunities that we have to offer to the Financial Investor.

In this short tour you will Know the chances and opportunities that we are offering to acquire a legalized aquifer of natural mineral water, with all the Spanish Government Permits, licenses, mining rights, and authoritations to use, take advantage, commercialize and exploit the waters of the aquifer of Natural Mineral Water, Fonte Grande, in La Coruña, Galicia, Spain, Europe, EU., and you would, also get knowledge of:

  1. The qualities of the waters originating from the aquifer Fonte Grande
  2. The features of the natural mineral waters originating from the aquifer.
  3. The amounts of minerals that compound the Physical and Chemical formula of its waters.
  4. The location and place of the aquifer.
  5. The opportunities that we are offering:
    • To invest on the Development of the Water Industry
    • To invest on the exploitation of the aquifer of natural mineral water Fonte Grande.
    • To invest in its Manufacture and Production.
    • To invest in the Comercial Market.
    • To invest in the Distribution and Offering the product to the final Consumer.
  1. The opportunities that we are offering cover the following areas of investment:
    • To acquire through rent the usage rights, utilization and development of the acuífero.
    • To acquire through grant the rights of the usage and utilization of the aquifer and the mining rights for development and exploitation and to commercialize the natural mineral water of the Fonte Grande aquifer.
    • To acquire through transfer the usage rights, utilization and development of the water industry.
    • To acquire through leasing, the rights to exploit and commercialize the water of the aquifer Fonte Grande.
    • To acquire through acquisition, the rights of the usage and utilization of the waters of the spring and the mining rights of development of the aquifer of Natural Mineral Water, Fonte Grande.

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Natural mineral water
Fonte Grande

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Here you will Know the chances and opportunities that we are offering to acquire a legalized aquifer of natural mineral water, with all the Spanish Government Permits, in concordance with the Directives of the Council 80/778/CEE (Jul-15), with all the licenses, mining rights, and authoritations to use, take advantage, commercialize and exploit the waters of the aquifer of Natural Mineral Water, Fonte Grande, in La Coruña, Galicia, Spain, Europe, EUWe invite you to take a round trip to our Web to know the facts and characteristics about our Natural Mineral Water, and the opportunities that we have to offer to the Financial Investor.     El Agua Mineral Natural Fonte Grande es un agua de mineralización muy débil, confiriéndole esta propiedad y característica, unas cualidades de finura, que son apreciables en el paladar por su sabor y su finura, siendo por su baja mineralización un agua mineral natural muy fina y blanda.         adquirir na Coruña, Galicia, Spain, Europe, EU, un acuifero manancial, declarado conforme a Lexislación Española e Europea como auga mineral natural, con todos os permisos, licencias e dereitos mineiros, así como o dereito á súa utilización e ó seu aproveitamento outorgados polo Goberno Español, para explotar, envasar e comercializar as augas do acuifero manancial Fonte Grande.

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