Fonte Grande

Natural Mineral Water

Did you know that the (MnO4K) (O2) of the waters of the sping aquifer of natural mineral water Fonte Grande is equal to 0.4 mg/l

OFFER to Companies or Entities that in period of Expansion or Extension, wish to start, to expand, or to enhance their Businesss area, and to invest, and be installed in Galicia, the possibility of acquiring by Rent, Leasing, Transfer or by Grant, the Mining Rights of the Aquifer of Natural Mineral Water "Fonte Grande", and its contents, for Commercial Distribution, Development and to Exploit and to take advantage and  Utilization of the water of the aquifer of Natural Mineral Water "Fonte Grande" for Commercial Exploitation and Manufacture, and for being preferably bottled as Natural mineral water.

  • The investment could be accomplished in two different ways, indirectly and as a direct participant of the various facets of the elaboration, bottling and marketing process:
    • Development of the acuífero.
    • Manufacture and Production.
    • Marketing.
    • Distribution.
  • Or as direct participant and manager of all the process of development of the Bottling Industry of the natural mineral water of the aquifer "Fonte Grande", through anyone of the following options:
    • To acquire through rent the usage rights, utilization and development of bottling of the water of the aquifer.
    • To acquire through grant the rights of the usage and utilization of the spring and the mining rights of the aquifer of  natural mineral water Fonte Grande.
    • To acquire through transfer the usage rights, utilization and development of the Industry.
    • To acquire through leasing the mining rights, utilization and usage of the aquifer Fonte Grande.
    • To acquire through acquisition the rights of the usage and utilization of the spring and the mining rights of development of the Fonte Grande aquifer and their Natural mineral.

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Natural mineral water
Fonte Grande

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Did you know that the investments could be accomplished in two different ways, indirectly and as a direct participant of the various proccesses, stages and facets of the elaboration, bottling and marketing processThe natural mineral water Fonte Grande facilitates and helps the kidney to delete with extreme facility the organism waste substances.     Se ofrece, en La Coruña, Galicia , ESPAÑA, a Empresas o Entidades que en período de Expansión o Ampliación, desean iniciar, ampliar, y/o mejorar su ámbito de negocio, invertir, y/o instalarse en Galicia, la posibilidad de adquirir por Cesión o por Concesión, los Derechos Mineros de Explotación y el Aprovechamiento de las Aguas Minerales Naturales del Manantial de Agua Mineral Natural Fonte Grande, para su envasado como Agua mineral Natural.         adquira na Coruña, Galicia, Spain, Europe, EU, un acuifero manancial, declarado conforme a Lexislación Española e Europea como auga mineral natural, con todos os permisos, licencias e dereitos mineiros, así como o dereito á súa utilización e ó seu aproveitamento outorgados polo Goberno Español, para explotar, envasar e comercializar as augas do acuifero manancial Fonte Grande.

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